Open Call! I would like to invite all of you to participate in my *personal business* business-card-CDR project! Make sure that you have a CD burner that’s capable of burning business card CDRs. If you want to participate in the project, mail a postcard or letter to me stating your desire. Upon receiving your postcard or letter I will mail to you a packet containing three business card CDRs. I will burn whatever sounds I want onto one of the three for your personal enjoyment. The other two business card CDRs will be blank. You can burn any sounds you want onto them and decorate them in any fashion you wish. You will mail one back to me for my personal enjoyment, and mail the other to a project participant – I will give you their postal address – for their personal enjoyment. Upon receiving the business card CDR that you made for me I will send you another round, thus keeping it going.
Hal McGee, Gainesville, FL, USA